Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Carleigh's Preschool Graduation

Carleigh reached another milestone today. She graduated from preschool. It was a bittersweet time...I am so proud of her, but am sad she is growing up so quickly. I cannot believe I will have a Kindergartener and a 1st grader! Whoa! Her class sang songs, recited a poem and shared what they enjoyed about preschool this year. It was a cute program! (Please excuse some of the blurry-ness...not sure what was going on with my camera)

Carleigh is now officially on summer vacation, Cody will be finished tomorrow and I will be finished on Friday! Bring on summer!

1 comment:

Toni said...

She looks so adorable in that dress. Preschool out of the way? That's S-A-D! Proud, oh yes. But still....sad. :(