Saturday, June 26, 2010

Busy Week is over!

Tonight was the last night of VBS....which was Family Fun Night. The kids performed their songs, had award time, and had refreshments. I helped my sister get all of the rainforest decor out of her classroom so that she could teach the preschoolers tomorrow morning.

Earlier today, I visited with ladies from my first church I ever attended. It was great to see my teacher and quite a Bible mentor to me. Most of the ladies I haven't seen in over 6.5 years ago. Yep...we left the church a month before coming home with the Codeman.

Last night, Matt and Cody attended their first Family Fun Circle event with the OFOFC organization. This organization creates social events for families who have developmentally delayed or disabled children. Plus, they have one big event each month and also have classes. I am really interested in taking classes that specialize in parenting the special-needs child. Friday night's meeting was Drum Circle. Cody got to listen to drummers and then he was able to play on drums and learn different rhythms. Cody is such the music man that he loved it! (Sorry, no pics as Carleigh and I were at VBS.)

This morning, Cody woke up a couple of hours earlier than Carleigh (which is REALLY rare!) and he was in his bedroom playing with a toy phone. Here's a little synopsis of his conversation with himself:

"I got coins!"

And his obnoxious new habit is to SNORT really loud! It's cute at first, but then he is constantly doing it! I guess I'll chalk that up as a normal boy behavior!

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