Thursday, May 01, 2008

All Aboard!

Last night, Cody and I were in the living room when we hear the distant sound of a train coming (we live close to the railroad tracks). Cody comes over to me and lifts his arm to pull an imaginary whistle on a train). He then shouts, "Choo Choo Train!"

I cannot even describe what it feels like to witness and hear my special little boy talking and saying new phrases for the first time. I have probably said this a gazillion times, but he has come along way this school year. He is really trying to communicate more and telling us his needs and wants. I think the sweetest moment with Cody is when I get him up from a nap or in the morning. As I get him out, he kisses me each time. He also does this for my mom which melts her heart as well.

He and his little sister gets to go on a field trip to a farm with their preschool classes on May 14th. Each class will be making special tshirts unique to their class which will really help for safety reasons. Matt will be going with Cody's class. If Carleigh's class needs another chaperone, I told her to let me know. I think she would do fine as long as the teacher or an aide is with her. They will have a blast no doubt.

Well just 4 more weeks of school.....

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