Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

We received 2-3 inches of snow today! Woohoo! For Cody, he had a day off preschool due to the snow. I had the day off because I had taken a personal day. All the other teachers had to drive in the snow this morning and I am thankful that I did not! Cody's new glasses are fixed (the stem needed adjusting) and he is wearing them fairly well. (If Carleigh keeps her hands off them!) Hopefully he will wear them better and see the need for them.

Carleigh and I went outside to play in the snow for a few minutes. She loved it so much that she did not want to come inside. She kept saying "Snowing!" "Snowing!" Last night, my mom and I were getting ready to go shopping. Carleigh hears us talking, grabs her little black purse and heads to the door saying "Go shopping!" She was a bit disappointed that she didn't go, but she had Pappaw to keep her entertained.

The other day was eating Cody was singing "Quack, Quack, Cockadoodle do!" and did the motions to the "Wiggles" song. It was so cute!

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