Friday, December 28, 2007

Clean Sweep

I am doing a "Clean Sweep" of my house this week. So far, I have tackled my most challenging room: my bedroom! It has been the room used for almost everything but eating! It serves as my office, sleeping quarters, storage for everything that little hands cannot touch(which means everything!), and of course storage for clothing, etc. I have bagged up 7 bags of things that I am throwing out and I still have about 20% of the room to reorganize. My desk looks great and it is amazing how it feels to get organized again.

For those of you who didn't know, Matt worked all fall and up until last Friday working from 1:30 - midnight (at times, he would get home earlier). When I would get home, there was no time for cleaning and reorganized because basically I had to cook dinner, clean dishes, bath time, a little play time with the kids, and then the bedtime routine. By the time the kiddos were asleep, I was exhausted and too tired to do anything except survival things like laundry and light cleaning. Therefore, several rooms in my house have been neglected.

This week, I am really working on taking care of things that I have neglected. Next task to be completed before the end of the weekend is reorganizing and bagging up old toys in Cody and Carleigh's bedroom. Hopefully with the help of Matt, this will be done before Sunday night. Then I am reorganizing my laundry room on Monday and relaxing on Tuesday (my last day before returning to school).

I have really enjoyed spending time with Matt since we would "see" each other for 5 minutes in the morning before I left for work and I would basically talk to him via phone for less than 10 minutes each day. He is looking for a part-time position for 5-6 hours in the early evenings until I get out of school in May. We are praying about some decisions that both of us need to make before May. Please keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

Toni said...

You bet I'll pray, Jen. And I so envy your resolve to get organized. I need to do it too. I need to MAKE TIME, I do. Enjoy your Tuesday to the fullest!