Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pony in the yard

I looked out my window this evening and saw two ponies in my next door neighbor's front yard. You just NEVER know what you will see on our quiet street! Of course this isn't the first time we have had horses on our street. Our neighbors have horses and his son (who is the new owners of the two ponies) have horses not too far from our lane. However, this was the first time that little ponies have been on the street.

I told the kiddos that there were little horses on the street and they made a bee-line for the front door. Cinderella yelled for one to come over and she brought one over to our yard. Mr. C had to hug him of course. There is no creature that stands a chance against the hug-meister!

The kids loved them and I fear that Cinderella will want one for a pet!!

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