Saturday, April 30, 2011

First Practice of the Season

Last night, the Angels had their first practice of the season. They have a new coach and lots of new players (including 3 girls!) and it went really well. Since this is Carleigh's first season, she was very excited! They fielded first and it was cute to see them catch the ball and throw it back to the coach!

Then, it was time to bat. Carleigh had to bat with the pink bat (of course) and was wondering where a pink helmet was. If she wants to continue with baseball in the future, we might invest in a pink batting helmet for her. She batted off a tee, but I think with a little practice and experience, she will be batting off the coach's pitches very soon! It was hilarious to see her run to third base after her hit so I guided her through the bases. I won't do that again because I was beamed in the back of the head with a baseball!! Luckily for me the ball was thrown lightly!

The practice ended with the passing out of uniforms and the kids were so excited that they put them on before leaving the field! Too cute!

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