Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eventful Day and Awful Night

Yesterday, I was very productive. I cleaned, purged, and organized the kids' bedrooms. That was quite a tiring job, but their rooms look great! When Carleigh came home from school, we put her princess bed tent together (that I bought 2 Christmases ago) and we played in her tent. Then, Cody had a doctor's appointment so off we went to pick him up from school and to the doctor's office. After the appt., Cody had PT so Carleigh and I relaxed and fixed dinner at home.

I had a feeling that the weather was changing because the kids' behavior was not great with lots of temper tamtrums!!

After I am asleep for less than an hour, my mom calls me (at 1am) and says the sirens are going off. We turn on the tv and we are under a tornado warning. I call my sister and we discuss going up to the corner basement. Eventually we decide to go up and we woke up the kids and carried them there. Can we say dazed and confused?!! They had to idea why we were in a dank, dark basement in the middle of the night. We stayed there until the major part of the storm died down (about 30 minutes).

We drove back home and attempted to put the kids back to sleep. Cody fell asleep quickly, but Carleigh tossed and turned for quite awhile. Then, I tossed and turned. What was an awful night became worse because at 3am we get a recording about a flash flood. At 5am, Matt's alarm clock goes off. At 6am, our school district calls to tell me that Carleigh doesn't have Kindergarten due to flooding. At 6:45 my alarm clock goes off so I can get Cody up for school. I get up and fall back asleep on the couch until 7:15 when I drag Cody out of bed. At 7:45 I have to drag Carleigh out of the bed to take Cody to the bus stop.

Not a fun night to say the least! I am tired and want to go back to bed. I am thankful that we did not get a tornado, but I really need my sleep. I am so hoping my 6 year old will let me take a nap soon!

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