Tuesday, November 16, 2010


No, I do not technically have twins, but the older they get, the more it seems like I have twins. Case in point, I put their clothes in the same closet with usually Cody's clothes on the left and Carleigh's clothes on the right side of the closet. Last night I was in a hurry to get everything laid out and ready for the school day. I grabbed dark jeans and a hoodie for Cody. I get two phone calls that day telling me that I think Cody was wearing Carleigh's jeans. The first call was from my babysitter aka mom and the second call was from Matt during therapy. Needless to say that when Cody got back this evening, the first thing that I did was to check out his pants. And yes, they were Carleigh's. *LOL* Luckily for him, the jeans looked like normal jeans with the exception of a tie-dyed starbust on the upper front thigh of each jeans with a trace of glitter. I am so glad that they did not have flowers or hearts. My poor boy. I wonder if his teachers and aides noticed. LOL! This is the second flakey thing I have done this week in regards to his school affairs.

EVERY time we are out a restaurant or shop I get the question, are they twins? They are almost the same height and Cody could wear Carleigh's clothes (not that he would on PURPOSE!) so I get the reason why we get that and of course they do look alike with their blonde blonde hair. I have stopped explaining that they are 13 months apart because when I tell someone they get a weird look on their face like why did I have two children so close in age and it's not like I had a CHOICE in the matter! LOL! So I leave strangers with the idea that I have twins. I have secretly always wanted twins though.....

1 comment:

Toni said...

HA! :D I totally love this. And yes, your sweet children DO look like twins.