Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Trip to the ER

The past few days have been rough for my little boy. Thursday, I received a call that Cody had vomited at school. Friday he still was not feeling well. Yesterday he was okay and feeling a little bit better and we went to the pumpkin patch. This morning, he was lethargic, crying, and laying around. So off to the ER we go! It took 2 hours before a doctor saw him and then she ordered chest xrays because she heard a rattle and a strep test because his tonsils were red. Both tests came back negative so we left the ER four hours later. If he is still not drinking and eating well in the morning, we have to follow up with his pediatrician. My poor boy! It makes me hurt to see him sick or in pain. It was cute to see Carleigh trying to take care of him this afternoon.

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