Thursday, October 07, 2010

A Long Day

Today was quite the long day for lots of reasons! At school, Thursdays are my very busy days plus I received a cell phone call in the middle of math class from a number I couldn't identify. Debating if I should answer it, I think Hmmm maybe it is an emergency and boy was I glad I did. It was Cody's school. I think I am getting to know that nurse more than anyone else at his school! LOL! Cody got sick and threw up. L*O*V*E*L*Y So I call my mom and she picks him up from school and he was crying for her as well. No doubt he was very confused about his mamaw coming to get him plus getting sick and not being able to verbalize what is wrong. I feel so bad for him. Think about frustrating would it be to not be able to tell people when you are sick or tired or even happy?! My mommy heart hurt and aches for him and wishes there was something I could do for my sweet boy.

Came home, had supper and then rush to Cody's school for a parent/teacher conference with his teacher and intervention specialist. It went well and I was so relieved that he is doing everything expected of him. He is progressing well in the reading/language arts program and has such a positive, enthusiastic attitude about everything. We have one thing that is a concern that we can handle on our end and hopefully that will be taken care of quite easily.

After the conference, I came back, cleaned the porch while the kids played, and then it was time for baths, homework and bedtime. Whew. What a day! And to think I do this all over again tomorrow! And of course it will be Friday so that is ALL good!!

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