Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Conversations with Carleigh Again...

My sister put the kids on the bus this morning due to my mom being in Kentucky (more about that later). As the sun was rising, Carleigh said to Connie "Look, the sun woke up!"

On a sad note:

Please pray for my Uncle Tom (my dad's brother) who had a heart attack on Monday and will be having open heart surgery on Friday unless they need to do it sooner. Tonight I got a call that he had another setback tonight so my thoughts and prayers are with him and the whole family. I am so worried about him. My dad is one of 13 siblings and out of all of them, I think we are closest to him and his family.

1 comment:

Toni said...

Praying for him. My dad had a major heart attack in early 2005. He needed quintuple bypass. They placed him on a heart pump for the weekend and said, "He'll have surgery on Monday...if his heart has rested enough to stand the surgery,...if he survives until then." Having been a cardiac nurse, I knew his condition was critical. He did survive until that Monday, and he did get a fixed heart that day, Valentines day. A new heart for Valentines day. I'm happy to say he's still with us almost 5 years later. Praying that Tom will be helped to wellness too.