Tuesday, April 06, 2010

80s in April?

It reached the 80's today! Who would think that we would be hitting the 80's in April? Crazy! Unfortunately, I was in the classroom. Despite being stuck indoors, I had a really great day. Thank you Lord!! I have this wonderful, sweetheart of a student who brings me so much joy. L is quite a hugger and she seems to know when I really need a hug. Such a gem! She also is incredibly gifted and will be a famous writer someday. When I grade her stories and papers, she is so sophisticated with words, it would appear that she was a teenager. I have been blessed to have her in my classroom this year. I will never ever forget that sweet, special little girl!!

This evening, after therapy, I hope to get in another walk on the bike trail as the rest of the week is supposed to be bad. I wish we could bottle this weather and have it for the rest of the month!

1 comment:

Toni said...

You've probably already done this, but if not, do tell her that she has the potential to be a really great writer someday. My 4th grade phys. ed teacher was a published children's author. She taught creative writing to our class. I *loved* it. She gave me an autographed copy of one of her books, in which she wrote, "You are going to make a really great mother or write someday...or both." I have NEVER forgotten her powerful words of encouragement.