Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back to the ole' grind!

Today was the official first day back for teachers at my school (although the elementary teachers had a 2 hour training on Monday) and yes, I have the glossed over look that I get every August! I have been slaving over my room and came in last weekend. I have most of the room together and am now in the lesson planning and unit planning part of first day preparation. I plan on bringing my camera to school tomorrow and will post a few pics(hopefully) tomorrow. Today was a long day of insurance, leadership and staff meetings in a cold high school sanctuary. Lesson learned: bring a sweater because the a/c is cranked on a 94 degree day!

Cody Update: Cody is starting to use words more to tell us what he wants. Today, I was eating a fry and he said "fry?" To which I rewarded him and he was thrilled. I have been really trying to get him to vocalize what he wants and not just grunt and point. He is absolutely thrilled when I figure out what he wants so I am hoping that it will be a big motivator to get him to talk more. His vocabulary is increasing every week and I am just so proud of the little guy! No progress on the bed/crib issue. I plan on trying again this weekend.

Carleigh Update: She has slept in her bed every night! However, she regressed during naptime (due to Daddy being home and Mommy being gone :-( ) so she is still taking her nap in the crib. I hope to curb the crib nap habit this weekend. I told Carleigh to rub my back last night (sore from moving things around my classroom) and she REALLY starting rubbing it (as well as a toddler can)! New words: triangle,circle, square, elephant, fork, bed, and she has learned lots of new animal sounds. I am just amazed at how much spoken (receptive) lanuage she understands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sad that your summer is over, Jen. But at the same time, I know what a huge blessing you are to your students. I would love to see pics of your classroom, and to hear a little more about how you plan your school year.

Cody and Carleigh are doing soooo well. And it's because they have such loving parents and can thrive in such an environment. They'll get the bed thing down too. I know you'll be posting about it one day soon.