Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Our 9th Anniversary!

Nine years ago today, Matt and I said our "I do's." I can't believe it has been 9 years and that we have known each other for 11 years! In some ways it seems like we have been together forever but in other ways I just can't believe it. The past 9 years have been filled with happiness, grief, fear, anxiousness, worry, love and celebrations! Our first few years were funny and light-hearted, then we faced infertility and I thought it was going to be the death of me. We grieved the biological children we wouldn't have. Then we faced anticipation and the arrival of our children. Though with our first child, we didn't have time to prepare and anticipate the arrival but with Carleigh, we knew 6 months in advance AND we knew what her gender would be. Through all of our trials and sorrows, we have come closer as a couple.

My mom and dad will be babysitting the kids while Matt and I go out to dinner tonight to celebrate. This is such a rarity that we go out to eat by OURSELVES so I am going to so enjoy this time alone and it will be a good time to just reconnect and carry on a conversation without it being interrupted by flying food or a spilled drink ( I love my kids and wouldn't trade those experiences for anything).
Happy Anniversary, Matthew! Can't wait to celebrate many more with you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Happy Anniversary, Jennifer and Matt. Enjoy the precious brief time alone together.