Monday, June 25, 2007

Clean sweeping, insurance woes, new job

Alot is going on these days! I am working on clean sweeping our house. We are making 3 piles: yard sale, trash, and save. My goal is to get everything organized this week and finish by early next week.

We got alot of things taken care of like changing Cody's social security card, birth certificate, etc. Things were going ho-hum today until we received April's bill for physical and occupational therapy that his lovely insurance rejected. Little did we know that Cody has limited therapy. This came as a surprise to us since we have been taking him for 2 years and have never heard about limited visits. So, I have to try to make an appointment with his ped. to pre-authorize his visits so he can continue. Until then, my poor little guy has to miss his visits. The sad thing is that he really needs that therapy. Doesn't that always happen? Carleigh who is starting to not need it as much can still go to OT and PT, but Cody can't until we straighten out this insurance mess. Argh! Hopefully we will get it figured out with not alot of stress and worry on my part.

Matt signed up at a temporary agency and is hoping to work this week and for the rest of the summer. If he finds a job he really likes, he is hoping to get on second shift in the fall when I go back to work in mid-August. He is so eager to start working again and I can see why because he likes to stay busy and on the go.

Carleigh surprised me today by saying "orange." I guess my lessons on color is starting to hit home with her!

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