Sunday, October 16, 2005


Carleigh is sitting up by herself! She can sit up by herself for about 10 seconds before losing her balance and falling sideways or backwards. It is such an improvement for her! She loves to play in Cody's old exersaucer and doesn't not like to be put down. Spoiled!! We cannot wait until she can sit up in a high chair well and will not have to lug around the infant carrier seat! She is getting heavier and the carrier is getting almost impossible to lug around. Boy, I can't wait until we get her a new carseat like her big brother! Cody's newest skill is to take out everything from a diaper bag or a purse. The cute and annoying thing about it is that he takes everything out one by one!! He is literally getting into EVERYTHING! We really have to keep our eyes on him at all times. What a fun stage they are at right now! I am loving motherhood....I didn't know if I would ever be a Mommy to two small little ones and God has surely blessed me indeed!

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