Monday, April 16, 2012

Conversations with Cinderella

Yesterday, we were driving back home from visiting a park when Cinderella says out of the blue, "I want to go camping." "Camping?" I ask. "Yes, all of us in this van. All four of us go camping." "Where do you want to go camping?" I ask the princess. "The place where you go camping," she says. LOL! Apparently, she and Matt saw a camper a few hours ago and really liked it. It was one of those REALLY REALLY nice driving campers that cost probably close to $100,000.

We have been thinking of getting a small pop-up camper, but nothing as luxurious as the camper she liked. Nope. We're going to buy a house before we spend that $$ on a camper!! LOL! So, I guess we'll have to go camping this summer!!

She cracks me up these days. I am starting to see some pre-teen mouthy talk that I do not like, but I am amazed at what conversations she is bringing up!


4Me2Know said...

Those drive (bus-like) campers easly go for $100,000 and MORE. My friend's parents sold their home and bought one (not the smartest financial retirement move, imho) and drive all around the country in it. Friggin' amazing inside. But still...a house to come home to is nice. C's comments are sooo sweet. And I love that her van is a perfectly suitable "camper" to her.

4Me2Know said...

Those drive (bus-like) campers easly go for $100,000 and MORE. My friend's parents sold their home and bought one (not the smartest financial retirement move, imho) and drive all around the country in it. Friggin' amazing inside. But still...a house to come home to is nice. C's comments are sooo sweet. And I love that her van is a perfectly suitable "camper" to her.