Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anticipation is great!

We drove up to Kings Island today to buy our season passes and get them processed and made. The kids have never been or seen Kings Island before. It was like Disney World revisited! Cinderella was squealing and Mr. C was mesmerized.

They were testing the ride formerly known as "Face Off." And yes, I have ridden that ride before with Matt! Cinderella kept watching and was scared that she would have to ride it. After explaining that that ride was for adults, she was feeling better.

We went to get our pics made and passes. I haven't had a pass in over 9 years. Back then, the pics were actually ON the passes. Now they are not! You get your pic take but it is nowhere to be found on the pass. We did not have to wait in a long line and I am sooooo glad we got them ready for Saturday in which we can just walk into the park without major waiting.

Well, after the passes were made, we started to head to the parking lot and Cinderella asked why we were leaving. We told her (beforehand also) that the park was closed and we were just getting our passes. She angrily stomped her foot and cried ALL THE WAY HOME. I told her that we would be going in 2 days, but that was not good enough for her!! Poor girl! I must admit that I would have liked to have ridden a coaster or two this evening!

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