Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Update on Cody

We arrived just a few minutes before 9am at Children's. I must say that this is the BEST hospital ever!! They give the patient and family the most attention ever, plus go out of their way to make the child comfortable. Mr. C went to sleep around 10:30am but due to complications, he was in surgery until 12:45pm.

After 10 minutes or so into the procedure, I get a cell phone call from the dentist which quite honestly, SCARED ME TO DEATH! She had just taken Mr. C's xrays and saw a huge problem with his top adult molars and wanted me to be aware of the fact that she was probably going to pull them. After getting over the shock of it all, the procedure plus cleaning took over 2 hours which was WAY longer than Mr. C's eye surgery almost 2 years ago.

Once everything was taken care of, the dentist met with us and showed what was on the xrays and her reasons for pulling permanent teeth. They were REALLY bad and he was probably in bad pain and could not tell us what was going on.

Once he awoke, they called us back to the recovery room and he was asleep again. Typical Cody! I wasn't prepared for the bloody scene though. He was bleeding and blood was everywhere! The nurse calmed me down and said it was typical and also warned that he may vomit blood as well.

Fast forward an hour later at home, that is EXACTLY what happened! It scared me of course and he has down it three times now. My poor little guy! We are staying home tonight while Matt and Cinderella went to AWANA for Crazy Hair Night. We are hoping he has a good night tonight.

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