Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Not so great dental visit

I always dread taking my two kids to the dentist. Cinderella usually handles cleaning and poking like a champ. Mr. C....not so much! This visit was no different! He became hostile when the new to him dentist wanted to look into his mouth. So, I have to hold his arms down in a death grip and well, he finally gives up and says "Hi!" to the dentist and lets her look at his teeth. The dentist discovers some cavities so the best option for kids with special needs is to put them to sleep and take care of everything. There was a cancellation for next week so Mr. C will be having his dental surgery next Wednesday. So, I got that scheduled when my mom comes out and says that the dentist was to see me regarding Cinderella.

I was dreading this because I just KNEW it wasn't going to pretty. Cinderella had to small cavities last time that the dentist was "watching." Without elevating my blood pressure more than what it already is, let's just say Cinderella will be having dental surgery as well. *sigh* No more candy or fruit snacks for my children anymore! Halloween will be tricky but I am coming up with a plan for that.

I am totally exhausted and now have to go back to school to teach for the rest of the afternoon. *sigh*

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