Monday, October 03, 2011

October has arrived!

Can you tell we love Halloween here? The kids were playing with costumes and masks this weekend. We found cheap, silly masks at the dollar store and it is amazing how that has entertained my two! I am not big on witches or evil costumes, but the witch mask looked more friendly than evil. Cinderella was was playing with Mr. C's costume from a couple of years ago. Doesn't she make a cute scarecrow?

This year, Mr. C will be Woody from "Toy Story" and Cinderella will be going as herself
"Cinderella" and wear her full outfit that she wore for Bippity Boppity Boutique at Disney World in June. I watched her fairy godmother and I think I can re-create the same hairstyle with glitter and makeup as well.

Does your family go trick or treating?

1 comment:

Toni said...

Yes, we sure do go trick/treating. Controversial subject in Chrstian circles, I know. What we believe is that ALL days belong to our God. We do not surrender even one to those who choose to abuse a day on the calendar for any reason. For us, it's a chance to dress up in pretend costumes and to visit neighbors for candy. It's as simple as that. If a particular house is decorated to cause fear, we avoid it. This works for us and we all enjoy a fun fall night.