Friday, September 10, 2010

NFL Frenzy and a few other things

Last night, Matt was watching the first NFL regular season football game while we were getting the kids ready for bed. Well, upon hearing the national anthem, Cody got up, put his hand on his heart and stood at full-attention while the anthem was playing. Then what he did next CRACKED us up! When the kickoff occurred he yelled and screamed and clapped like he was the biggest football fan of all times! We have NEVER seen him get excited about a football game EVER. Ever! We got a good laugh over that and of course Matt enjoyed every minute of it!

Carleigh has been cracking me up lately. Today, she made a circle out of kids' clothes hangers and proceeded to sit in the center of it. Then a few minutes later, she walks with me into the laundry room and as I turn out the lights, she tells me to stop, that I should keep the lights on because "the cherbils need it!" I think she is already learning so much in Kindergarten! I think she is mesmerized when I sing the Alphabet chant with her. So fun!

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