Sunday, July 18, 2010

Banjos and "Cops"

Yes, I know that it sounds like a strange title, but this blog post is dedicated to the Codeman. Today, we went up the street to visit my sister and Cody noticed my brother-in-law's banjo case. He immediately wanted to play it. So, Jerry got the other banjo with his pick and was playing for Cody. The boy was in HEAVEN! He loves mountain music and well, just about any musical instrument. Jerry showed him how to strum a few cords and Cody LOVED it! It was so cute and now I am thinking about banjos and other things for Christmas gifts.

Tonight, Matt was watching "Cops" and Cody started singing the song tune. I laughed so hard when I heard Cody sing "Bad Boys, watcha gonna do? watcha gonna do when they come for you?"

Love it!!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

ROFLOL! I can totally see him singing it. That's hysterical.