Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Happy Adoption Day, Carleigh!

Two years ago, on a cold Saturday in a nearby courthouse, Carleigh became an official part of my family (she was ALWAYS a part since we brought her home from the hospital)! Matt and I are so blessed that we have been given the privilege of being her parents.

She is such an interesting and dynamic little girl! She can say THE funniest things! She loves to receive gifts like clothes or toys to which she replies "For MEEEE?" She is a Dora and Disney Princesses fan. She now can tell me what she wants for Christmas. Carleigh has an opinion about everything and she is understand conversations ALL to WELL! Her speech has made miraculous gains and she is learning so much in preschool.

It's hard to think that we brought home a calm, sweet 5lb, 11 oz baby girl and now she is a 45 lb, long blonde haired preschooler with a firecracker personality.

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