Monday, March 26, 2007

Fears of a Toddler

Some children fear the dark, some children fear the boogeyman, some children fear dogs or spiders, but not my Carleigh. My Carleigh fears the ever, scary VACUUM! Yes, anytime that mommy or daddy gets out the vacuum cleaner, she runs and jumps onto the couch, top of the end table, or her daddy's lap!! It is so cute! I wish I could capture it on film!

Another thing that she fears is teeth brushing time! We sing a little jingle while getting the toothbrush and toothpaste. She runs away at lightning speed!

Cody on the other hand is not scared of anything! He will play in the pitch black darkness, do flips off the couch and his new favorite feat is to stand on top of the end table. I think I need to get both of them in gymnastics!! Hmm...maybe I should ask their physical therapist??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We call my Reece "Piglet" because he is afraid of so many things. Much of it sensory driven. Some of it is just him though. Oddly, he has never feared the vaccum cleaner.