Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Program

Tonight was definitely an interesting night! From the beginning of the program with the preschoolers and toddlers singing and showing personality, I knew that everyone would be entertained.

Once Mr. C got on stage, he was very captivating! He clapped, stomped and sang his little heart out! Yes, my son loves the spotlight (unlike his mother!) and is quite the entertainer. During the reception afterwards, countless people came up to me to tell me how they enjoyed Mr. C's enthusiasm and singing. Cinderella did a fabulous job and knew all the words to the songs. She did fabulous for a 6 year old!!

On a serious note, please be in prayer for my mother-in-law. During the reception afterwards, she was sent by ambulance to the hospital for chest pains. That is all I know as of this time.

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