Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Shopping Marathon Day

I now know why I do not shop all day long...boy was I exhausted last night! Normally, I am at the stores by 5am, but my sister talked me into not starting until 7am. I was ok with that since I was sick half of the night. Well, we started the day off at Walmart, then off to Target and Old Navy. After breakfast with Jerry, Britt, and Jeremy we stopped off to unload the car. (I had to sneak the presents through the backdoor due to curious toddlers. Then we headed for Kmaart and Walgreens, another Target (because Britt needed us to get something for Jeremy that she forgot to tell us to get) and I found the Barbie Doodle Pro that was sold out at our Targets.

Then we went to Kohls and then off to Waynesville. For those who don't know, Waynesville is a quaint old-fashioned town with lots of little shops of crafts, primitive items, fudge, toys, etc. I bought Carleigh two plush animal puppets that make sounds when you close their mouths. (She is obsessed with puppets these days) I also bought a few other gifts. We did not get home until 6pm. We rested for a few minutes then off to dinner with Matt and the kids then grocery shopping. My marathon shopping day started at 7am and lasted until 9pm....14 hours! Whoa!

I was wanting to put up our new Christmas tree, but fell asleep on the couch! So, I am getting ready to put it up while my two are taking their nap. Our ircicle lights are up on our porch and we just have to put up our spiral Christmas trees and the icicle lights on our carport to be finished with outdoor Christmas decorating! I do not want this weekend to end...I have really enjoyed my long break from school.

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