Wednesday, November 21, 2007

0 what a night!

Last night around 2am, there was a party going on here! Not really, but Cody started crying uncontrollably and woke EVERYONE up and yes Carleigh too. So we were up watching a Sesame Street video trying everything to calm our little guy down who couldn't tell us what was wrong. We think it was his ear as during bathtime, Carleigh thought it would be fun to pour water on Cody's head. So, we gave him some pain reliever and he started to calm down so everyone went back to bed around 3am this morning. Then, I started feeling sick around 6:30am and felt like a zombie, but finally feel back to sleep. We woke up around 9 and woke the kids up at 9:30am (they NEVER sleep that late!). Thank goodness today was a day off for me. I can't imagine teaching with about 2 hours of sleep and then being sick. *yikes*

We are excited here because Matt may have Friday evening off which means two straight days off that we (or should I say "I") get to see him!! Yeah!

And yes, I am going shopping early the day after Thanksgiving for Christmas shopping, but I am NO WAY being at a certain store at 4am! No thank you!!

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