Saturday, October 27, 2007

In one week...

Carleigh will be "officially" ours! She has always been ours, but in the eyes of the courts, it will make it official. We have to be at the courthouse at 9am. We don't know the order of who is going first, but we think it will be official by 10am. It seems unreal because we have been fostering for 4 years now. Four years of monthly and sometimes weekly social worker visits, birthfamily visits, appointments, meetings, etc. It will be sooo different not having anyone come out to our home anymore, other than Early Intervention for Carleigh (and even that will be ending when she turns 3 in March!) We had to re-certify in September, so our foster license is good for another 2 years. We might just keep it for awhile since we had to work so hard (and take lots of classes) to get it. Are we going to take another placement? Probably not unless Cody and Carleigh's birthmother has another baby. We would really like 3 children, but am just trusting in God and His plan as to how he or she will come into our family.

1 comment:

Toni said...

I'll pray about if, how and when God might grow your family, Jen. For now, I'm in awe of where you are. I remember the post you made the day you got the call for Cody. It seems impossible that this much time has passed.