Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Always into something!

Carleigh is definitely into the "terrible two" stage! She throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way and always ignores when I say "no." Well, today she really tested my patience. I wasn't home for 10 minutes when she struck again...I normally put my purse in the kitchen when I get home, but was preoccupied when I first got home. While I was reading my mail, Carleigh quietly stole my purse and took it into Cody's room. Thinking that it was WAY too quiet in there (which means T-R-O-U-B-L-E), I found Carleigh with my wallet with all my credit cards, library cards, driver's license, etc. all over the floor. Then I found Cody with lipgloss ALL over his face and pants. Of course I wanted to take a picture but had to quickly get all my cards up before they were lost in the maze of toys.

Then, not even 5 MINUTES later, she was quiet again in Cody's room. Well, she took off all her clothes: blouse, pants, and DIAPER! Yes DIAPER! And she was running around naked! (It was cute though!) She has been doing it at night and now this was the second time today (once for Matt this morning). I fear I have a little exhibitionist on my hands. And I think we are getting ready to board the train....Potty train! Carleigh is showing alot of signs that she is ready so, we might start potty training this weekend. Oh boy!

If I leave the room for a minute, she will find something to get into. I could leave Cody alone for 20 minutes and everything would be fine, but not Miss Carleigh, no sirree...she would have the room destroyed before the 20 minutes was up.

Oh the joys of toddlerhood!

1 comment:

Toni said...

LOL! Oh Jen, I so wish I lived closer. My kids would have a blast with yours (uh, they'd be in on the purse snatching, I fear, lol).