Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall Festivals

What a fun and full day we had yesterday! First, we went to our agency's Fall Festival at Izaac Walton. Cody and Carleigh had a blast playing games, eating hot dogs, and winning prizes. We have a budding artist in our family! Carleigh won the coloring contest for the toddler age! She did ALL the coloring! Mommy just gave her the appropriate colored crayons. (Matt thought I did the coloring! Yeah right!) The Izaac Walton members took us on the Haunted Woods hayride, but without the darkness or scary people around. We got to see all the scary scenes and it was really neat.

After a short nap, we went with Matt's family to a friend's church for their fall festival. Cody and Carleigh played more games, got candy from a pinata, and jumped in a bouncy house with a big slide. This was their first time in a bouncy house and they both LOVED it! I am thinking about getting them an inflatable jumpolene for Christmas or their birthday. Carleigh is very aware of getting candy now (uh-oh!) and was clinging to her bag of candy and didn't want me to hold it! I guess she thought I was going to eat it!!

Everyone had a lot of fun, but I was one tired and happy momma at the end of the day! I wish I had just a little of their never-ending energy!

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