Friday, July 06, 2007

We have a climber!

Or should I say monkey? Matt was playing with the kids in Cody's room, but had to go in the kitchen for something so when I went into the bedroom to see what they were doing, I found Carleigh hanging from the window! Yep, you read that right! She climbed on top of the wooden toy chest, stepped onto the window and was trying to climb the window. I guess I better buy her toddler bed soon or she will be doing the same thing in her crib. And of course she just loves getting her big brother into trouble because he tends to do what she is doing. He couldn't climb the window but was standing on top of the toy box as her accomplice to the crime.

Matt heard Cody's new word today, and drum roll please.....he now can say "No!" I am wondering if this is a good or bad thing?!!

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