Monday, April 02, 2007

Egg Hunt Expert

Last year, the kids were not successful or truly understood the concept of an egg hunt. This year was very different! We "practiced" at home a few hours before the event began. Cody and Carleigh thought it was a fun game. Of course, they liked dumping out the eggs more than putting them in! Last night, our church had a Easter egg hunt and boy were my kiddos excited! Carleigh started picking them up before Aunt Connie said go! Let's just say, we were very successful! Carleigh had a bucket full and yes it was to the top! We had a combine total of 84 eggs! I think Carleigh found 55 or 60 of those. I would hold the bucket and Carleigh would lean down and grab it and put it in the bucket. She was so motivated to pick them up! She was an egg hunter expert!! It was so cute to see them really get into the hunt!

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