Monday, March 20, 2006

My poor sick little ones

Carleigh started sneezing Friday evening. On Saturday, the sneezing turned to coughing, more sneezing with tons of snot (sorry if this is TMI...) and a fever. She was absolutely miserable all weekend. You could see the sickness in her eyes. My poor baby girl! We took her to the Children's Urgent Care and waited for 3 hours for the doctor to say that she has an upper respiratory infection and to continue to giver her Tylenol every 4 hours for the fever and for her teething. We also discovered that she is cutting 3 top teeth at one time! Yep, 3 teeth! Yikes! She is cutting her two front teeth and one side tooth to the left of the front. This may also be a reason for her whining and irritability. All day Sunday, Cody was warm and acting unusual. Matt seemed to think he was just tired, but I knew better. He feel asleep on the floor in his room while playing. We put him to bed early, he woke up at 1am crying. He then began to vomit 3-4 times and was just miserable and had a fever. We stayed up with him watching his favorite tape of the "Wiggles" until 3am. Matt held him on the couch and they both slept until 6am. I went back to bed and monitored Carleigh in the baby swing (due to her congestion). I probably slept 3 hours or so. Carleigh was bad this morning, but made a turn for the better this evening and was actually playing and babbling...a first for her since Thursday evening. Cody was looking peaked again and running a fever. We gave him a bath and a dose of Tylenol and he seems to be a bit better. I hope this fever and sickness end soon for them. I would rather be sick than to see them be sick. It is hard on a mommy's and daddy's heart.

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