Monday, March 13, 2006

Carleigh at 1!

Happy Birthday, my sweet little princess! It is amazing how fast 1 year can pass by! It seems like yesterday when I brought home a tiny 6 lb little girl. She has been such a blessing in our lives. On Saturday, we had her party at my sister's house with mostly family and a few friends. Her party theme was butterflies and pink! She wouldn't eat the cake but loved the ice cream! Oh well! She had a great time, crashed when it was over and then didn't go back down for the night until midnight. Early thing morning, we heard her jabbering around 3 am. I guess she wanted everyone to know that it was her birthday! Carleigh is crawling and trying to learn how to pull up. She is such a happy and sweet girl. She loves her new toys and she will look so cute in her summer clothes and bathing suit!

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