Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1 More Day 'Til Spring Break!

One more day until Spring Break! Woooohooo! Does it feel like Spring here? NO WAY! However, I am in serious need of a break. I have major house projects to get tackled. I am de-cluttering and getting rid of a LOT over break. There are reasons behind this. My family and close friends already know what is happening. I am not ready to share it on the blog yet, so unless you send me a private message, I am not sharing what is going on just yet.

We are delaying our bunnies arrivals due to the other changes. We're are still getting those precious animals, but it might be this time next year. Or, we might get a puppy or maybe both! LOL!

I have told the kids what is going on. Cinderella brought it up today and asked me a lot of questions over it. She is starting to understand a LOT more so I really have to keep my conversations guarded from now on.

The kids are excited about break and so am I! They are more excited about what will be in their Easter basket. I am more excited about getting more SLEEP! It's the little things that I care about. We are hoping for nice weather. I want to start my exercise regimine and it has to be warmer!!

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