Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wonderful news!

Today, Cody became an adoptive placement in our home!! Many of you know that on a cold, snowy Tuesday, January 27, 2004, we brought home a 10 day old premie straight from the hospital. I was called at 10am on my cell phone in my classroom and I was on break when our caseworker called. I was in shock to get a newborn placement! I was even in more shock when they asked if we could be placed with him at 5pm that same day! We didn't know how long we would keep him, but I fell instantly in love with him. I will never forget the day as long as I live. And now, 3 years later, he switched from foster placement to adoptive placement. We were given his lifebook and signed LOTS of agency paperwork. Tomorrow, I call our lawyer to get the ball rolling to finalize his adoption! Praise the Lord!! We are overjoyed! His adoption will probably be in February!! We are going to have an adoption bash to celebrate our dream coming true! And another wonderful surprise is that we can start calling him by his new adoptive name with our last name. This is great because we can enroll him in preschool with his new adoptive name with the notarized papers that our agency gave us.

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