Thursday, August 03, 2006

Our weekly update

Today, Cody and Carleigh decided they wanted to play with a box that I was saving to store away old baby toys for next Spring's yard sale. It is so funny that children want to play with old things better than their toys!! My mom put Cody in the box and he LOVED it! Carleigh had a blast too! Lately, their new craze is to climb onto the couch and stand up while holding onto to the back. Sometimes, Matt and I put tantalizing objects such as the phone or the remote up there so that the kiddos cannot play with them. Now they have figured out the courch, there is no stopping them. Therefore, Matt and I will have to find another place to hide important things!! A couple of days ago, Cody crawled behind the couch and found goldfish crackers from a baggie that had fallen behind the couch. He began eating them quietly until I heard something like a mouse and we discovered him eating away!! Life is never dull with these two!!
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