Monday, January 07, 2013

2013 so far...

So far, the new year is better than last year. Of course, it is just beginning, but I have some good news. Mr. C had a great first day of school of 2013! Not sure, about the second or third day, but I will definitely celebrate a good day! Cinderella has had THREE good days! Wooohooo!

We are planning Mr. C's 9th birthday. I am just so sad that this is his last year in the single digits. He is getting so tall and I can dance with him with ease. He comes to my shoulders now and he is growing too fast! It's going to be such a fun birthday party for him and he is so very excited and talks about it every day! His  language has blossomed and he can be very funny (he gets its naturally from his momma of course!! LOL!). The other day when his sister was whiney, he looks at her and says, "Just GO!"

My goals for the 2013 year is to see success in my kiddos, to get healthy and stay healthy and to SIMPLIFY. I am confident that all of these will come this new, hopeful year.

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