Monday, September 26, 2005

Carleigh at 6 months

Carleigh is growing. At her 6 month checkup, she weighed 15 lbs 10.5 oz, measured 27 inches long, and her head circumference was 16.25 cm. The pediatrician was pleased with her growth and isn't overly worried about her physical developments. She will be referred for Early Intervention services due to her birthfamily and her brother's progress. She isn't rolling well, but can roll to her side, scoot her bottom while sitting on her back, and she holds her head up very well. She loves to play in the exersaucer and loves tummy time when I place a mirror in front of her so that she can laugh at herself. Her biggest thing is to smile and stick her tongue out. She also loves to watch "The Wiggles" with her big brother Cody.

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