Monday, April 07, 2014

Our Big News!!!!

Matt and I have been praying and waiting for this moment for almost 16 years. Without further ado......


OUR NEW HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got the call today after several rounds of offers and counter offers, the seller accepted our offer! This is our new home!! We will hopefully be closing mid-May and moving in shortly thereafter!! House shopping was quite stressful because of several factors: our needs, school districts, children, etc. We made an offer of another house and God immediately closed that door. With that door closed, a much better door opened. 

This is a house that has been completely redone! It is beautiful! The backyard is huge and is completely fenced (just needs a gate!). I can already visualize my two kids playing on their swing set and making lots of memories and noise!

We are so thankful for the Lord for making this possible and several other people who have had a hand in this process as well!!

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