Sunday, December 17, 2006

Enjoying my time off!

Yesterday was my official first day off for Christmas. I am thrilled to have two full weeks off! I do not have one gift wrapped yet!! So, tomorrow I am wrapping and cleaning my house! I plan on baking later in the week and may let Carleigh make her own special Christmas cookie. I am hoping to slow down time over the next two weeks.

Cody's IEP meeting was last Friday at the Kindergarten Center. There were 14+ people there and at first it seemed overwhelming. However, Cody is going to be the happiest little guy when he gets to attend preschool 4 days a week starting around his 3rd birthday! He also gets to ride a school bus!! My little baby boy whom I brought home from the hospital at 5 lbs 2 oz is now old enough to attend preschool! It is amazing how time flies! Carleigh will be in preschool before I know it.

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