Monday, June 28, 2010

Parent Night at VBS

Saturday evening was parent night for the SonQuest Rainforest VBS at my sister's church. The children performed the songs they learned during VBS and had awards time and refreshments. All of the teachers and helpers were very tired since it was the 6th night of a very long week!

Carleigh enjoyed VBS, especially the snow cones, hot dog, cookies, and candy every night. Pizza on Friday night was a hit and she ate 3 pieces!


Toni said...

At the risk of sounding adoptive cliche, Carleigh looks so much like you, Jenn. She's adorable in that dress (I love the combination of pink and brown together). Our church didn't do VBS this year, in favor of reaching out to widows, the elderly, and others who have service project needs (ie. cleaning gutters, weeding, fix-it projects, etc.) We're going to send the kids to another church's vbs though.

A Family Created By God said...

My church is doing VBS each Wednesday night instead of doing it all week long.

Yes, I get that ALL the time that Carleigh looks like me! It's amazing how God works!