Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day!

I was up at 5am this morning checking the news and awaiting a phone call from two schools (my school and the kids' school district). I saw that both schools were closed on the news before getting the 5:20am and 6:00am phone calls. Matt had to be at work at 6am so he was up getting ready when at 5am Carleigh walks into the living room. She NEVER gets up that early! After a little tv, she and I crashed on the couch and didn't stir until 8:30am. Not too long after that, my parents came over and had went out to breakfast. Nothing stops them in their 4 wheel drive truck!

As of 8am, we had between 4-5 inches of snow. Now it is icing and will continue icing through the evening. Around 4 am or so, it is supposed to go back to snow and we could get 4-6 more inches of snow. Whoa! I was going to take Cody and Carleigh out when the freezing rain started so we will wait until tomorrow to build a snowman. They cannot wait to play in it! We should get around 10 or so inches of snow. Great for snowman building.

I have taken advantage of the snow day to get some grading done and I am hoping to have all grading finished and entered into the computer system by tomorrow morning and then focus on the laundry. I am almost certain we will have another snow day tomorrow which will be our last calamity day (unless the state waives the 3 days off due to power outages back on my birthday).

We are staying in, having fun, and watching all the white stuff fall from the sky!

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Calamity day? Is that what they call a snow day now? I'm out of the loop, lol.

So glad you got a snow day (or two) though. My kids were outside today with the neighbor kids for 90minutes. They had a blast! They would have stayed longer, but for dinner being ready.

What a hoot that Carleigh is; up at 5am. My Reece is our only morning bird. He's routinely up between 7:15 and 7:45. The rest of us would sleep in until 9:30am on our days off if we could (which we usually cannot). Reece is so quiet and polite too when he gets up (thank goodness).