Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear

The song "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See" has been running in my head today because Carleigh overhead a conversation that my mom and I were having over the light fixture above the kitchen sink and how our landlord had it installed. We were frustrated because we had new blinds we wanted to put up in the kitchen window and were having problems.

We said the S word....."stupid" (oh, come on, not THAT other word!). Well now, Carleigh has coined the word and is calling Cody "stupid" and at dinner, she said "You stupid kitty!" Then, Cody (OF COURSE) repeated her and said "Stupid kitty" and then he said "stupid piano." *sigh*

I guess we will have to choose our words carefully now (not that we talk bad anyway) and really think about words before we say them. We do not want her going to preschool or church and calling someone "stupid!"

"Oh Be Carefully Little Eyes" is a song I sing with my class during Bible time. Here are the lyrics:

Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little eyes what you see.

Oh be careful little ears what you hear,
Oh be careful little ears what you hear,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little ears what you hear.

Oh be careful little hands what you do,
Oh be careful little hands what you do,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little hands what you do.

Oh be careful little tongue what you say,
Oh be careful little tongue what you say,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little tongue what you say.

Oh be careful little feet where you go,
Oh be careful little feet where you go,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little feet where you go.

Oh be careful little heart who you trust,
Oh be careful little heart who you trust,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little heart who you trust.

Oh be careful little mind what you think,
Oh be careful little mind what you think,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little mind what you think.


Toni said...

We LOVE that song here as well. And I often use the line when changing channels due to inappropriate commercial content, etc.
"Mom, why did you change the channel?"
"Be careful little eyes what you see."

And imagine my shock last week when 2yo Brandon told 7yo Reece to "Shu-up!" We don't say that word here so I couldn't figure out where he'd heard it. Then I recalled that yes, I do occasionally joke with Carl when he's teasing me and I've been known to jokingly say, "Shut up."
Sheesh, doesn't matter that we NEVER say it to the kids and we don't in any way regularly say it. It apparently only took one time of him overhearing me and, well,...I won't be joking with THOSE words anymore.

A Family Created By God said...

Yep, it is amaziing that saying the word just ONCE can cause them to say it! So true!