Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mr. C's IEP Meeting

Mr. C had his annual IEP meeting this morning. It went well. We are on the same board with behavioral issues and a clear understanding that he cannot help his outbursts, tamtrums, and inattentiveness. I am praying that we get an appointment very soon before the school year is over since it is significantly affecting his education and overall life in general.

It was cute hearing what he has been doing in school. Recently, he told George Washington (on one of the coins he is so obsessed about!) "Good morning" and "How are you doing?" It's sweet to discover that he also puts his arm around his teachers and tells them, "You are my best friend." Yes, he has QUITE a lot of "best friends."' I love my boy so much! I just wish we had the help and medicine he needs NOW instead of  LATER. We are all just so frustrated and concerned for him.

Miss Cinderella keeps getting glowing reports from school and I have seen an increase in her knowledge of math facts. So glad to have at least one child going in the right direction!


Toni said...
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Toni said...

Aw, I can definitely understand how frustrating it must be. I sure hope you can get an appointment and the right course of action for your adorable little man. LOVE the penny talk. How precious is that?!!!