Thursday, November 15, 2012

Family Update

I haven't REALLY blogged in a week or so. Well, a lot has been going on in the family. Matt suddenly started losing LOTS of weight due to no change in diet or exercise. He had bloodwork done that indicated his blood sugar is out of con trol. Now, he is on insulin shots and we are hoping that it gets under control with insulin.

Miss Cinderella had her important IEP and MFE meetings on Monday. It's amazing to see her progress and how the IEP's change each year. Math and written expression are the most difficult subjects for her, so I am going to intervene and start working with her on math concepts at home.

Mr. C is holding his own and still enjoying his piano and other musical instruments.

We are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for Matt's parents this year so this will be the first time I have made Thanksgiving dinner in YEARS! Afterwards, I will be getting my wallet on and doing some Black Thursday and Black Friday shopping with my dear sister.

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