Thursday, May 31, 2012

One of those moments...

 We went to Kings Island tonight with my sister, niece, and niece's fiance. It was the first time I went with my sister and niece in YEARS! (Okay, I think the last time we went with them, Matt and I were dating or newly married so we are talking over 14 years ago.)

Jeremy (Britt's fiance) was the most popular person tonight and both kids wanted to hold his hand and ride the rides with him. Well, Miss Cinderella wanted to ride home in my sister's car and sit in the backseat with Jeremy. Cinderella states she isn't feeling well. Jeremy asks "Is she going to puke?" The moment after he said that she pukes in the car. At the time, it wasn't funny, but when we put her in our van, we all started to laugh. We're not sure why she is puking, but something is going on with her stomach so we will be taking her to the doctor to see if we are facing acid reflux or something else.

Tonight will definitely one of those moments that we won't ever forget....

AWANA Awards Ceremony

Last night, our church had their first ever AWANA award ceremony. All the children recited scripture and received awards for their participation in Awanas this year. My children were in the Sparks program for grades K-2. Mr. C will move up to T & T next year.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

It's Memorial Day 2012! Time to honor those who fought for our independence! I hope everyone had a wonderful day filled with parades and cookouts!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

School is Out!

Wednesday was the last day of school for my children! I cannot believe summer has begun for them while I have over 2 more weeks to go. They brought home beach bags with TONS of summer activities/toys and food that their teachers bought for them. Each beach bag contained: bubbles, chalk, jump rope, popsicles, water balls, paper, markers, crayons, water balloons, snacks, bubble gum, and much more! Of course all of it was dumped on our floor plus all their school supplies from the year. Needless to say, it was quite a mess Wednesday night!

We went to Kings Island Friday evening and enjoyed short lines and fireworks as the park closed. Yesterday, we went to Indiana for a day at the farm. Today was more interesting as we had a cookout at a family member's home with sprinkler time and cartwheel demonstrations.

Tomorrow we are doing some household duties and another cookout is scheduled at Matt's sister's home. It has been quite the weekend with food and I hope I haven't gained 5 lbs. I'll need a big workout after this!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 1 and Day 2

Here is what I ate on Sunday and Monday.

Sunday: Kashi Go Lean Cereal with 1% milk

            Turkey Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread. cucumbers and carrots

             Chicken Sandwich, salad with fat free ranch dressing

Monday:      Special K Vanilla Cereal with 1% milk

                    Turkey Sandwich with Kashi energy bar, 1 orange

                    Hamburger (plain), coleslaw (1/2 serving size) and cup of veggie soup

Exercise: jumping jacks, walking, pushups, sit ups, lunges, boxing.

Zumba will begin tomorrow!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

And so it begins...

The past few days have been emotionally difficult for all of us, especially for my sister and her family. I haven't eaten well AT ALL. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but it is when there is a big wedding in 5 weeks and I need to fit into my bridesmaid dress.

Once reality was staring me in the face (dress), I knew that there were no more excuses. Starting yesterday afternoon, I have vowed to go low carb, organic (as much as possible), and begin my exercise. I started exercising today but started out slow. I did 40 jumping jacks, 20 push ups, 10 lunges, 60 boxing jabs and am getting ready to get my walk on as I head to Kings Island for a few hours.

I will begin posting what I am eating for accountability.

Stayed tuned!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Heaven's Special Lady

Yesterday, a very special lady went home to be with the Lord. She was my niece's grandmother, my sister's mother-in-law, my brother-in-law's mother, and our next door neighbor. She was an amazing woman who loved to help others in need. She fought a hard battle with a terrible disease and now she is completely healed in Heaven with a perfect body and with her Savior. She will be greatly missed by many. Mr. C loved Brenda and always referred to her house as "Brenda's house." Heaven has gained a treasure although it is so hard for the family back here on Earth. Please pray for her family as they get ready to celebrate her life.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I am incredibly blessed that God planned for me to be their mother. I would not have it any other way.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Fun Day

This was taken while we were eating lunch and hanging out before the kids' baseball team/individual photos. Afterwards, we headed to Kings Island. We had all of our nephews and everyone had a fun time riding the rides despite the big crowds!! We have already gone three times so we have already "paid" for the passes.

Cinderella was so excited to have her oldest cousin there to ride some rides with her. We have already noted that she is a coaster girl. She would rather ride coasters than the Viking ship or anything that goes in circles or spins. We also discovered that Mr. C. will assume that every ride is scary and will put his hands on his ears on EVERY single ride!! (He started this last year after riding Tower of Terror at Disney World!)
I thought this pic was so cute! We were waiting for the two big cousins and Matt to ride a ride and we were chilling and watching the Drop Tower. Mr. C and Cinderella love having their cousins come to KI with them!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The end is near

The kids have 9 days of school left. I have 18.5 days at my school and I can already feel summer is near! Although this summer will be different than any other summer I have had, I still will enjoy it. Days of KI, parks, and swimming!! It's almost here!

We have another weekend of fun planned with the kids' rescheduled game tonight, working on wedding invitations, baseball team pics, and another visit to KI. It will be less stressful and rushed than last weekend. And sleeping late (if Cinderella lets us) will be priceless!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Bridal Shower

Brittany's shower went well and it was fun celebrating her soon-to-be marriage. The cake was all kinds of wonderful! There were some sad moments due to her grandmother being in very poor health, but the happiness outweighed the sadness. I can't wait to celebrate her wedding next month! I love that gal so very much!

What a weekend!

Friday evening, we went shopping and Miss Cinderella got to spend the night with her cousins for the first time. She loved it and of course loved to SHARE some funny comments with them.

Saturday morning, I was up and at them too early to finish shopping for the bridal shower. Then it was off to my friend's baby shower. Afterwards, we went to KI with the cousins and had a fun time.

Sunday morning dawned too soon and I helped my sister get Britt's bridal shower decorated and ready. Then we had to clean up afterwards. We just didn't make it to the birthday party due cleaning up. I was exhausted to say the least!!

The kids did remarkably well during their first game! Mr. C chased after 3 balls and Cinderella handled 2. They hit really well as well. Their game was cancelled tonight due to the field being a mess (kind of happy about this) and so they play again Friday night.

Here are a few pics of the weekend!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Crazy Busy Weekend Ahead

I won't be posting until this crazy busy weekend is over. Okay, Friday is Grandparents' Day at my school which is a big deal. Friday night I have to go shopping for my niece's bridal shower gift because I am a slacker. Saturday is my friend's baby shower. After the shower, we are going to Kings Island for the rest of the day.

Then comes jam packed Sunday. Church (possibly) and then it's Opening Day for baseball for the kiddos, then my niece's bridal shower and then a few hours after that is a birthday party that Cinderella is invited to. I think I am going to need Monday off to regroup, but I KNOW that is not going to happen!!