Saturday, January 21, 2012

Oh what a night!!

For once, the weather forecasters were sooooo right and we experienced an ice storm last night. It started after 9pm and did not finish until 5 or 6 am. As I was going to bed early since I had a Spelling Bee to help coordinate, I went to bed before 10pm. I wasn't asleep fully when the power went out. What stirred me was Cinderella crying that her light was out and she was scared. Cinderella is so scared of the dark and we HAVE to leave a light on in her bedroom. Matt went to comfort her and then I went on a search for candles. I called my sister who reported it to Duke Energy and she said that the power should be restored by 1am. Luckily Mr. C was in bed already and didn't notice anything. So, we had three of us in our bed trying to stay warm by candlelight.

Cinderella crashed quickly due to all the drama but then I had trouble going back to sleep. Then the lights come on in the middle of the night (aka 12:45am) which woke me up because our bedroom light came on a-blazin'. So I got up, took care of the candles and crashed until 5:10 when our school Spelling Bee supervisor called me to say that the bee was on a 2 hour delay. I did not want to call all the teachers at that time so I tried to go back to sleep for another hour. By the time I did go back to sleep, I had a crazy nightmare and then got up to call 6 other teachers to let them know about the delay. No sooner had I called them and went to the bathroom, when the power went out. I have no windows in my bathroom so needless to say, it was pitch black.

I was planning on going back to bed and getting another hour of sleep, but the power outage killed that idea. So, I had to light the candles again and rested but could not fully go back to bed. The house really started to get cooler each hour that it was off. Brrrrr! I couldn't take a shower so I had to make do and pull my hair back in a pony tail and get dressed in the dark.

I found out the reason for power outage #1 was that a car hit a pole on the hill of my parent's road not 2 minutes away from our house. The pole cracked and the car was demolished. Power outage #2 was either due to ice or another bad crash on another road. Either way, the ice storm was BAD!! Our driveway and street is a solid sheet of ice. When the lights came back on after midnight last night, I could hear the ice hitting our bedroom window. Eery for sure!!

While I was at the Spelling Bee, the power came back on around 11:30am. Matt was getting concerned and if it lasted much longer, we would had to go somewhere to warm up.

Needless to say, last night was quite the night and of course all the weather people are calling this an "Ice Ice Baby" storm. We are supposed to get a wild thunderstorm Monday morning with temps going into the 50s with strong winds. You just never know what kind of weather we will get here!!!

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